SSO Setup



The single most important security safeguard for those tasks is the authentication of the user's identity. That is, the service provider must ensure that the person who's performing those tasks is the authorized user, not an imposter. That's where user IDs and passwords come into play as credentials to prove identity and as a prerequisite for authorized access to applications.


Within an enterprise, Single Sign-On (SSO) for all its applications in one login pass makes logistical and economic sense. Better yet, you can go a step further: implement federated identity and extend SSO across enterprises, thus reaping even more convenience and time savings for both organizations and users alike.  Both perpetual and SaaS users can now be automatically logged into SmartSolve© when they log into their network domain by configuring the SmartSolve© single sign-on feature. Configuration of the database, web.config file, IIS and SmartSolve© are required to enable this feature.  


See the SmartSolve Installation Guide for instructions on how to configure the database prior to setting up SSO from the application.


User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user to manage or view SSO:





Allows the administrator to setup SSO.



Allows the user to access and view the SSO setup.



Please see Rights Groups to assign Rights Groups to users.


Global vs. Local

SSO Setup for actors can be set up from any organization and will apply to that actor for every organization to which they have access. You can manage SSO Setup for this actor from any organization after the actor has been added.


How to Add SSO Setup

Please see your SmartSolve© Installation Guide for instructions on how to configure the WebConfig file to enable the single sign-on feature.

1.   Log into any organization.

2.   From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup. Under User Management select SSO and Account Preference.

The SSO and Account Preference window displays.

3.   Select Action > Add from the main menu.

4.   Enter the information needed in the following fields:



External User

Check this checkbox if this user(s) is a user who does not exist in SmartSolve's actor table, but can to log into the Quality System Portal.


Logon User

Enter or zoom  to select single or multiple actors for whom SSO is being enabled.



Enter the name of the person or group of multiple actors for whom SSO is being enabled.


Enable Login

Check this checkbox to enable/specify the login parameters for the selected actor(s). Select from the following:

  • No - The user cannot log in.
  • Yes - The user can log in.
  • Needs Approval - Once the user is saved, the user must be approved before the user will be able to log into the system.
  • Blacklisted - The user cannot log into the system and should not be approved for SSO login



Enter the user’s network domain. This activates the single sign-on option for the actor in SmartSolve.



Select the language to be used when the actor logs into SmartSolve©.  Please see Working with Translations for more information about how to add more Translations to your SmartSolve© application.


Time Zone

Select the Time Zone which the system will default to when this actor logs into SmartSolve©. See Organizational Setup for more information about configuring Time Zones.


Email Address

Enter the email address for the user or user group. This field is only displayed if the External User checkbox is checked.


5.   Once all information is entered click the Save button.

Single sign-on has been enabled for all selected actors. The selected actors will now be automatically logged into SmartSolve under the specified language and time zone next time they log into their domains.


Managing SSO Setup Data

SSO setup can be edited, deleted and managed accordingly by an administrator.


How to Edit SSO Setup

1.   Log into any organization.

2.   From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup. Under User Management select SSO and Account Preference.

The SSO and Account Preference list appears.

3.   Select the check box of the actor to edit then select Action > Edit  from the main menu.

4.   Edit any information for your SSO Setup.

5.   Click the Save button.

      All changes now display.


How to Delete SSO Setup

1.   Log into any organization.

2.   From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup. Under User Management select SSO and Account Preference.

The SSO and Account Preference list appears.

3.   Select the check box of the actor to delete then select Action > Delete from the main menu.

4.   Click the Save button.

      The SSO Setup has now been removed from the system.